There are ten Modules as part of the Young Leader Training Scheme, only Module A is mandatory the rest are optional but we recommend completing all of them if you are able.
In the Romsey District we group the Modules into training days as below.
- Module A – Prepare for take-off! This module is compulsory for all Young Leaders and must be completed within three months of becoming a Young Leader. It covers key areas which every Young Leader will need to know. Young Leaders’ Badge is awarded after completing Module A. This badge signifies that a Young Leader has completed their basic training.
- Communication Modules
- Module B – Taking the lead This module aims to introduce you to the different concepts of leadership. It will teach you how to adapt your style so you can most effectively lead different kinds of activities.
- Module C – That’s the way to do it! This module aims to give you a general understanding of how to successfully demonstrate and teach a variety of skills. It will help make that process fun, and ensure that section members enjoy the experience.
- Module I – What did they say? This module aims to make you aware of the importance of listening to the views of young people. It gives an overview of how to bring their ideas to life, how to adapt their ideas where necessary, and how to and involve them in the planning of their programme.
- Module J – Communicate it! This module aims to make you aware of the importance of different communication styles and the impact that the way you communicate has on others. It will look at how you can adapt your style to suit your audience, whether you’re in section meetings or leader meetings. It will also look at how to talk about the skills you are gaining through Scheme whenever talking to other people both inside and outside of Scouting.
- Special Needs Awareness Modules
- Module D – Understanding behaviour There are a number of reasons why young people behave in certain ways. The aim of this module is to give ESYLs a basic understanding of the different behaviours that young people can display and explores some of the potential reasons underpinning those behaviours.
- Module F – Making Scouting accessible and inclusive This module will teach you how to create an environment that is inclusive and welcoming for all young people in the section. It will give you an understanding of some different additional needs a young person might have, and show you how to make reasonable adjustments to make the programme more inclusive for all.
- Programme Planning
- Module E – Game on! The aim of this module is to give you a good understanding of the importance of games in the section meeting. It will give you an idea of the different types of games that can be played, and show you when to use them to greatest effect.
- Module G – What is a high quality programme? This module aims to provide you with the knowledge of what a high quality, balanced programme is and looks like for the section you support. It will help you to understand how awards and badges help to achieve this.
- Module H – Programme planning This module aims to provide you with the skills and understanding necessary to plan and run a balanced programme for your section over a three-month period.
- Module K – First Aid master class Module K uses a well tested and established training course, the First Response course, to teach emergency aid to Young Leaders.
Last updated September 2018